500g berries or plums (chopped and cooked a bit)
2 tsps cornflour
70g ground linseed
40g sunflower seeds
40g flaked almonds
80g dessicated coconut
1 tsp cinnamon
Stevia or 3 tbsp rapadura or coconut palm sugar
70g Butter or coconut oil to bind
1.If you are using plums you will need to chop, de-stone and gently simmer with 2 tblsp of water until they are softened.
2.Preheat the over to 200°C, Gas 6. Melt the cocnut oil in a small pan.
3.Combine the linseed, sunflower seeds, almonds and coconut with the ground cinnamon and sugar or stevia in a bowl.
4.Put the berries or softened plums in a wide, shallow baking dish, c. 750ml capacity. Sprinkle with the cornflour and tumble about.
5.Stir the melted coconut oil into the topping mix and spoon over the berries/plums to partially cover them.
6.Bake for 25 minutes and serve with yogurt or coconut cream.