Why the ratio of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitric oxide matters, why it often isn’t balanced and what to do to reset this. Learn and practice the exercises to reset your breathing chemistry, oxygenate your cells and improve focus.
Why this matters and why breathing using the diaphragm stimulates your vagus nerve, and how this affects every automatic function the body performs. Learn and practise the exercise to stimulate and improve the function of your diaphragm and increase lung capacity.
How many you should be taking and why this affects your heart, your nervous system and your heart rate variability a fundamental health marker. Learn and practice the exercise to develop this and how to bring it into movement and sleep.
Practice is the only way to learn and integrate and retrain your breathing reflexes. Your body will love it. We revisit all of the exercises and practice them again. Depending on progress we may increase the intensity and add resistance to challenge your body to adapt and change.