Easy chicken pasta with oregano and toasted pine nuts


300g whole grain pasta

500g chicken breast diced

1 small onion, finely chopped

3 garlic cloves finely chopped

Large handful of oregano, finely chopped

150g spinach, finely chop stalks, roughly chop leaves

1 packet of cherry tomatoes, halved

150g chicken stock/pasata or 3 tbsp of water

Handful of pine nuts toasted

Olive oil

1 small squeezed lemon or some AVC/balsamic vinegar



  1. Put your oven onto 185°C. Place the diced chicken into a dish with a drizzle of olive oil, some s&p and a squeeze of lemon juice or vinegar. Pop the chicken into the oven for about 30 minutes and put your pasta onto boil.
  2. Finely chop the oregano, spinach stalks, onion and garlic. Halve the cherry tomatoes. Roughly chop the spinach leaves. 
  3. Reserve about 2 tsp's of the garlic and oregano. Stir fry the rest of the chopped oregano and garlic with the chopped spinach stalks, onion and tomatoes, for about 5-10 minutes. If you think you need more sauce add about 100ml of chicken stock, pasata or 3 tbsp of water. It depends how much sauce you like.
  4. Once everything is softened add the cooked chicken and chopped spinach to the stir fried vegetables and reheat for a couple of minutes until the spinach wilts.
  5. Now drain the pasta and add this to the pan. Stir through the remaining garlic and oregano for an extra flavour burst. Sprinkle with toasted pine nuts and tuck in

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