There are two major forms of vitamin D from two different sources. In the UK our main dietary sources of vitamin D are food of animal origin, foods fortified with vitamin D and supplementation. Naturally rich food sources include egg yolk and oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines. Absorption We probably absorb […]
This BLOG looks at the outcomes of an interesting study on weight control. GP’s are often the first port of call for weight control advice. However they aren’t in a position to provide specialised therapy in this area. The researchers identified that although healthy ‘habits’ are the aim of many weight loss programmes, very few […]
Intermittent fasting is in the limelight at the moment but many traditions have been incorporating fasting for millennia. Humans have historically fasted overnight, for religious reasons or during periods of food scarcity. Some monks have a precept called ‘no meals after noon’ and religions such as Taoism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism all fast. Fasting […]
Nighttime snoring can range from being a mild embarrassment and nuisance to a more serious chronic problem. It can sometimes be a potential indicator of more serious health issues such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). There are essentially two reasons snoring can happen, either breathing is too forceful or the upper airway is too narrow. […]
Bullet point summary Peri menopause – the window of opportunity Lots of women dread the menopause. It’s often viewed as a process of ageing and associated with uncomfortable symptoms ranging from heavy periods to weight gain, anxiety and night sweats. Lara Biden, author of the ‘hormone repair manual’, reframes this as a “window of opportunity” […]
Acid reflux is a common and distressing complaint that my clients often need help with. As many as 20 percent of Europe’s population is estimated to suffer from acid reflux – that is 112 million people in Europe alone. In 2019 over 60 million doses of the two most common drugs known as proton pump […]
Histamine Histamine is an important immune molecule which certain foods trigger the immune system to release. As part of our immune response to bacteria, viruses or other pathogenic microorganisms it increases vascular permeability. This allows white blood cells and proteins access to pathogens through mechanisms such as runny eyes or nose, sneezing, coughing and itching, […]
There are so many controversies in nutrition and one of these is the theory around the acid-alkaline balance of the diet. This blog explores the science and debate around this topic. If you want to calculate the acid/alkaline of your meal ‘The PRAL’ (Potential Renal Acid Load) scale calculates how acid or alkaline a food […]
I am receiving lots of enquiries about how to support their immune system and health through the winter season. I’ve put together some information on key nutrients to consider for support and why, together with some practical suggestions of what and how much to take. There is no substitute for eating a healthy nutritious diet […]