Seedy nut loaf


1 cup ground flaxseed
1 cup ground almonds
1 cup Kamut flour or any wholemeal flour (gluten free if preferred)
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
½ cup sesame seeds
1 tsp bicarb of soda
1 tsp salt
5 eggs (organic)
1 tbslp tomato paste
¼ cup (c. 4tblsp) of tahini
1/3 cup (c. 3tblsp) of coconut oil 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
This loaf is really quick and easy to make and is super filling. I’ve used Kamut flour, which is an ancient grain with much less gluten than standard flour and a better mineral profile. You can swop this for spelt or gluten free flour if you prefer. You only need a thin slice with your soup or salad to fill you up for lunch.

Oven 160 °C.  Grease and line a loaf tin.

1. Mix together all the dry ingredients.
2. Whisk eggs, add the tomato paste, tahini, coconut oil and vinegar.
4. Place in loaf tin and bake for about an hour.
5. Store in fridge wrapped in foil.
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