The ‘Essentials’ programme

Modern life makes being healthy more difficult. Statistics say only 1 in 5 people in the UK are metabolically healthy.

But the studies also show that these measurements can reverse in just a few weeks, especially type II diabetes.

Are you concerned about your health?

Do you want to get healthy but feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start?

Perhaps you have tried prescription medications but suffer with side effects or would like to minimise your reliance on them?

The ‘Essentials’ programme includes a baseline health test, a nutrition and lifestyle audit and some breath-work. It will give you the inspiration and the motivation to get addicted to your health.
“It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” 

Who is it for?

This programme is for anyone concerned about their baseline health or for those who want to kick start their health journey. If you are considering medication or taking medication this programme can help to support and perhaps minimise side effects. Even small changes to your nutrition, lifestyle and how you breathe can have a powerful effect on your health.

The sessions

The essential programme is laid out below however the sessions are personalised based on your unique health requirements.

Consult one

  • Discuss your body scan, health and lifestyle questionnaire together.
  • Go through the blood test procedure, what we are measuring and why.
  • Chat through the health and lifestyle trackers and food diary which you complete before consult two.
  • Discuss likes and dislikes around food, how you shop and cook. I may make some simple initial changes for you to get started with.
  • Digestion tips - this is an accumulation of years of nutrition and clinic knowledge which are critical for health.
  • Discuss your goals and how we will measure these.

Consult two

  • Feedback on which body systems may need support and why from my analysis of your questionnaire information and our initial discussion
  • Go through your test results, food diary and your tracker information and establish your 'change' strategy.
  • Guidance on which foods to eat to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients and support your physiology
  • Guidance around food plate and planning menus.
  • Recipe inspiration, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations will be sent out.
  • Handouts on specific topics to remind you about things we’ve discussed.

Consult three

  • Review the changes you’ve made and how they are working for you.
  • Change or build on the initial plan if appropriate.
  • Training about the significance and importance of nasal breathing.
  • Breathing assessment.
  • Training to improve your breathing function and exercises to stimulate your vagus nerve.

The goal

The goal is to assess and address your ‘essential health’ with simple food and lifestyle changes. 

Health assurance instead of insurance.

What’s included?

  • Baseline blood test to assess: triglycerides; HDL; LD; HbA1c; Vitamin D
  • Three zoom session calls
  • Nutrition, health and lifestyle assessment.
  • Nutrition, health and lifestyle recommendations.
  • Symptom and goal tracking.
  • Recipe inspiration and guidance
  • Oxygen Advantage breath coaching session and selected breath technique to improve your breathing and stimulate your vagus nerve.

What else?

  • An audio breathing track to download and practise
  • A wealth of nutrition and lifestyle advice and guidance on how to make those first steps to ‘essential health’.

Why choose this programme?

I’ve lived and breathed this nutrition stuff for over 10 years and have many strategies and tips to share. Research shows that nutrition, functional breathing and lifestyle medicine are the foundations of good health. This programme sets you on the right track for success.

Your ‘Essential’ health investment

Programme investment £275

Blood Test cost is £61 test plus £30 for blood collection.

Your GP may be willing to carry out many of these tests so check first if you would like to obtain them via this route.

How to get started

Call or email me to book a discovery call – I like to learn a bit about you before you sign up and make sure I am aware of any issues that may affect your programme eligibility. Long-standing health conditions or chronic disease may require a more in depth longer programme.
Book a FREE discovery call
Note: Everyone makes changes at their own rate. We will cover as much as we can in the allocated time. The ‘Essentials’ blood test is optional. There are no supplements included as any requirement is individually assessed and compatibility with medication may require additional research and assessment. If required discounts are available for professional grade supplements from my specified suppliers.
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