The ‘Heart health’ programme

Modern life makes being healthy more difficult. Statistics say only 1 in 5 people in the UK are metabolically healthy and cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the UK.

Are you concerned about your cholesterol or blood pressure?

Perhaps there is a family pre-disposition to cardiac conditions?

Perhaps you have tried prescription medications but suffer with side effects?

Maybe you have had all the standard tests but still don’t feel right.

Would you like to understand your risk factors and take back charge of your health?

90% of heart disease is preventable or reversible.

The ‘heart health’ programme includes a comprehensive functional test to identify your cardiac risk factors and 6 one to one sessions of bespoke training in nutrition, lifestyle and breath work.
“It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” 

Who is it for?

This programme is for anyone who is worried about their risk factors for heart disease who wants to take control of their health with nutrition and lifestyle changes. It also includes some basic functional breath training and a taster bio-feedback session on heart rate variability. Even small changes to your nutrition, lifestyle and how you breathe can have a powerful effect on your health when you are consistent.

The sessions

The ‘Heart health’ programme is laid out below however the sessions are personalised based on your unique health requirements.

Consult one

  • Go through the blood test procedure, what we are measuring and why.
  • Discuss your general health and what you are trying to achieve
  • Discuss the body scan, health and lifestyle questionnaire which will then be sent out to you for completion and return.
  • Chat through the health and lifestyle trackers and food diary which you also complete before consult two.
  • Discuss likes and dislikes around food, how you shop and cook. I may make some simple initial changes for you to get started with.
  • Discuss your goals and how we will measure these.

Consult two

  • Go through your test results, food diary and your tracker information.
  • Feedback on which body systems may need support and why.
  • Guidance on which foods to eat to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients and support your physiology
  • Guidance around food plate and planning menus.
  • Recipe inspiration, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations will be sent out.
  • Handouts on specific topics to remind you about things we’ve discussed.

Consult three

  • Review the changes you’ve made and how they are working for you.
  • Change or build on the initial plan if appropriate.

Consult four/five

  • Follow up on nutrition and lifestyle plan, amend if needed
  • Training about the significance and importance of nasal breathing.
  • Breathing assessment.
  • Breath work taster exercise to practice to reset your functional breathing and manage stress and anxiety.

Consult Six

  • Final nutrition and lifestyle follow up.
  • Goal assessment.
  • Heart rate variability – what it is and why it’s important
  • Taster session to learn an initial HeartMath technique and trial HeartMath biofeedback technology (if local).

The goal

The goal is to reduce your risk factors and get your heart healthy.

Heart health is your real wealth.

What’s included?

  • Extensive blood test to measure cardiac markers.
  • Six zoom session calls over about 8-10 weeks
  • Weekly interim coaching calls
  • Nutrition, health and lifestyle assessment.
  • Nutrition, health and lifestyle recommendations.
  • Symptom and goal tracking.
  • Recipe inspiration and guidance
  • Oxygen Advantage breath training and techniques to improve your functional breathing.
  • Heartmath biofeedback coaching session to learn the importance of heart rate variability and how to connect to your hearts intelligence. 
  • Email and phone call support as needed.

What else?

  • Audio breathing tracks to download and practise

  • A wealth of nutrition and lifestyle advice and guidance on how to make those first steps to ‘heart health’.

Why choose this programme?

I’ve lived and breathed this nutrition stuff for over 10 years and have many strategies and tips to share. Research shows that nutrition, functional breathing and lifestyle medicine are the foundations of good health. This programme sets you up for success on multiple levels – nutrition, lifestyle, functional breathing and heart rate variability.

Your heart health investment

Programme investment is £475

The cost of the test is £261. This is carried by Regenerus. They have satellite UK clinics for blood collection.

How to get started

Call or email me to book a discovery call – I like to learn a bit about you before you sign up and make sure I am aware of any current medication or supplements and for us both to be happy the programme is right for you.
Book a FREE discovery call
Note: Everyone makes changes at their own rate. We will cover as much as we can in the allocated time.
There are no supplements included with this programme although extra sessions can be booked for this if required. The test is optional but useful for risk assessment and motivation.
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