Nutritional Therapy

The body is a protein-producing machine and nutrition contributes the raw materials. Food is information for your cells and your body and when the input changes, the body’s chemistry can change, affecting our cellular function and physiology.

The way we process, digest and assimilate food varies to an enormous degree between individuals. The same symptom can therefore have numerous different causes, depending on our individuality. This is why I take a personalised approach, pioneered by the Institute of Functional Medicine, using a matrix of all the body’s systems to assess how they may be impacting each other, building a picture of your overall health.

The information you provide about your health history, current symptoms and at our consultation, together with your food diary, is collated for analysis using a scientific, evidence based approach. Supplements and functional testing may also be useful.

We often have to nurture our bodies back to health once things have gone off track.

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I will work with you to uncover the imbalances underlying your symptoms, and then support you to make changes to improve your health, so that you can thrive in your life.

Do you struggle with any of these issues? 

I guide you through this step by step. It’s often about establishing healthy eating patterns and habits and nourishing the body so that it has the capacity to lose weight. We can test to see if there are any functional imbalances making weight loss harder such as: hormones; thyroid; and levels of inflammation which can all be underlying factors.
Feeling tired all the time is one of the biggest complaints I hear. There are many possible root causes. It can be as simple as getting proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrate correct at each meal. However there can also be hormone and micronutrient imbalances or issues with thyroid function. Blood tests are really helpful when fatigue is present as levels of iron, folate and B12 may be underpinning different types of anaemia.
This can be a very complex area which I deal with on a daily basis. It includes IBS, IBD, SIBO, acid reflux, gout, bowel problems and issues with digestion and absorption. If your digestion doesn’t work well it’s very hard for the body to obtain the nutrients it needs to regenerate the body, which is an ongoing daily requirement. Sometimes it’s just a little advice and some support with constructing a healthy eating strategy. Sometimes it requires more long-term support to get clients back on the road to health.
Has your Dr told you, your sugar levels (Hba1c) are too high, you are pre-diabetic or diabetic? There is so much you do with diet, especially in the early stages. It’s not just what you eat but, how you eat and when you eat, plus understanding the impact of stress. These are all important pieces of the puzzle for metabolic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and liver conditions including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol both respond well to nutritional support. We eat very little cholesterol, the body makes it in response to how various systems are functioning or mal-functioning. How we process fats is a critical component but nutrient content of the diet and intake of trans-fats also need to be addressed, for the heart to function well.
This is critical for many clients but especially pre and post menopause ladies, and the older generation. I do also see this issue in men. Thyroid health, testing nutrient levels in the body and assessing them in the diet are key for improving bone density. The acid/alkaline pH balance in the body is also a factor. Our pH levels are critical for health and are maintained via the mineral reservoir in the bone. But we can influence them with breathwork because they are affected by the biochemistry of breathing.
Nutrition is a key part of preparing for and optimising conception as well as the foundation of a healthy pregnancy. You need good essential fatty acid ratios, a healthy gut, low levels of inflammation and excellent blood glucose management. All of these can be tested for and supported by nutrition. They go hand in hand to help regulate hormone balance and generate healthy eggs and good quality, energetic sperm.
This is often a big part of any health issues. Stress disrupts hormones, causes inflammation and aggravates the gut. I teach breathwork and other modalities to manage and minimise stress. Improving vagus nerve function is key and breathwork gets right to the core of this.
This is an extreme form of arthritis in the joints. Nutrition may help the body to resolve the underlying inflammation and reduce pain. Pain also had a large mental and emotional component which I have personally experienced. Breathwork is an important part of the toolkit to help address this.
Hormone imbalances can occur throughout life but the typical areas are fertility, peri-menopause and menopause. It’s a complex area as when our hormones change the body has to adapt to a new way of working. With testing, supplements and lifestyle guidance we get to the root cause. Combined with the right nutrition we can get you back on track.

Nutrition Packages

Essentials nutrition
Ten week package

This package is for generally healthy folks who want to focus on a specific goal and make sure their nutrition is covering all the basics.
Free initial chat 
Health and nutrition audit
Nutrition and lifestyle plan
Personalised supplement plan
Unlimited support  (Mon-Fri 9-5)
Ingredient and shopping advice
Recipe inspiration
Blood test advice
Minimum of 4 consultations 
1 x 75 minutes
3 x 50 minutes
Learn more >

Elevate nutrition
Six month package

This package is great for weight-loss clients especially those who are tired of fad diets and want something more sustainable. There are likely to be a number of health issues to overcome. We cover all the basics from the Essentials package but the support is longer and more in-depth.  
Free initial chat
Health and nutrition audit
Nutrition and lifestyle plan
Personalised supplement plan
Unlimited support  (Mon-Fri 9-5)
Ingredient and shopping advice
Recipe inspiration
Meal plan if required 
Blood test advice and analysis
Minimum of 6 consultations 
1 x 75 minutes
5 x 50 minutes
Learn more >

Expert nutrition
Nine month package

This is for clients with a number of more complex health issues often including significant gut and digestive issues or perhaps with more weight to lose. We cover all the basics from the 
Essentials package but the support is
longer and more in depth. 
Free initial chat
Health and nutrition audit
Nutrition and lifestyle plan
Personalised supplement plan
Unlimited support  (Mon-Fri 9-5)
Ingredient and shopping advice
Recipe inspiration
Meal plan if required 
Blood test advice and analysis
Breathwork support
Minimum of 9 consultations 
1 x 75 minutes
8 x 50 minutes
Learn more >
Which package to book? 
If you are not sure which package to book give me a call and we can chat about this.
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Nutrition Matrix®

I use a comprehensive nutritional therapy questionnaire, a medical history, a food and symptom diary plus lifestyle information to complete the Nutrition Matrix and assess your overall health. This helps me to understand whether any particular systems are struggling, how this is affecting your physiology and what additional support is required to re-establish balance and health.
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